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This session changed the way I see myself!

Writer: AdminAdmin

Where do I begin? I have 7 children. I gave birth to 5 of them. My 1st one was my son and his birth almost cost me my life. Not in a traumatic scary way. They gave me my epidural and forgot to turn it off. I was high as a kite before my husband realized my lips were blue. That was my 1st child. He impacted my life at 20 years old when I didn't understand anything in the world. My son... My son taught me love, he taught me kindness, he taught me that even in my ugliest moments someone can love you and be there for you. He was my 1st stretch Marks. He actually saved my life. One month before I found out I was pregnant with him I tried to commit suicide... So there began my 1st reason to live.

Then I got pregnant with my daughter. Oh, I was so scared to have a girl. I didn't even know how to be a girl myself. I came from abuse. I didn't know how to love myself and here I was going to have to teach a girl how to love herself and grow into a woman. She's now 18 years old. She's the strongest thing in this world I have ever seen. I birthed her by myself, on the hospital bed as the doctor walked in yelling at me to “Stop!”. I pushed her out and told my husband to catch. At one point in that delivery room the nurses weren't equipped with a doctor, and they tried to push her back in!!! That little girl said, “No! I'm ready for this world!”. Ever since that day she's been fighting to prove how amazing she is. She's honestly never needed to prove it! Just spend 5 minutes talking to her and you will agree with me.

My 3rd child came out of what ended up being the worst marriage I ever had. She was also my rainbow baby. After 3 sad miscarriages, I had another little girl. She gave me a reason to hold on. Then I had her sister. I was still in that horrible marriage.

Eventually I stopped getting married and focused on my kids and myself. I met my now husband and had baby number 5. My husband brought 2 children of his own into our marriage. We raised them full time during the pandemic. Thus, they completed our family. My body has these squiggly lines and many scars. For a long time, it was hard for me to look at them, because society makes you feel like you have to be only one way. I've learned a lot. Each and every one of my children have made me stronger and a better person. I couldn't imagine walking a day in life without any of them. These scars show what I went through in life. I'll be honest I keep them hidden for my comfort, because you can't show your scars or your body and be happy. At least that's what's been grilled into my mind my whole life. This is my body! The only one I have! One day I will love her as a whole. Until then, I'll work piece by piece.

After My Session

I want to write a review to explain my experience in my journey for others to know. I entered this contest not expecting to win. When I got the email that I had won I couldn't believe it. I've spent my whole life trying to figure out who I am. To love the person that I am and accept me for me. It's always been very hard. I'm still working on me. I come from a past of abuse both sexual and physical. I spent most of my adult life going from one bad relationship to the next. When abuse starts at home you don't learn right. I've always just walked in life with this mask on being the best I could. Until eventually I just became a robot programed to serve the ones I love.

Then I met Diandra, and she wouldn't accept that. She poured all of her love and kindness into me. She helped me open my eyes and see that I'm more than just A person. She helped me see that I'm beautiful and I can love myself for exactly who I am. She showed me that even though I've been through all this negative, I am this beautiful light and soul. That I am NOT my abuse. I am not what I've been through. I am just me! Simply that. When you sit down with her, you're not just posing for a photo. She's opening the window to your heart to believe in the beauty that you are. It's still shocking to me to see myself as this beautiful goddess that I never thought I could be. I've been this the whole time. I never knew I was in there. It was amazing to go through this. I highly recommend a session in the Owlet Room. Don't worry if you are scared or nervous, Diandra is a professional and will help you every step of the way. Just like she did for me.

Thank you!

Michelle Woodward

Owlet 2022 👄👄

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