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Embracing My Body: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Transformation

Writer: AdminAdmin

Embracing My Body: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Transformation by Amy

While some people may turn to therapy for self-discovery, baring myself in front of the camera has proven to be my path to personal growth. With each click of the shutter, a piece of my true self is rediscovered. This is my story!

Two years ago, I was a "curvy" girl who learned to accept her body. Living happily with my beloved dogs, I didn't mind being single. But then, a handsome stranger entered my life, and everything changed. Unfortunately, he left, leaving me emotionally shattered.

In an attempt to heal, I underwent a drastic physical transformation. I adorned myself with sparkly jewelry, got a new haircut, and embarked on a significant weight loss journey, shedding nearly 100 pounds. I decided to book a boudoir photo shoot. I thought if I had actual pictures to look at, something more than standing in front of a mirror, maybe I would believe that I was pretty.

I went into this studio, got all glammed up, took some pictures, and spent a lot of money. It really wasn’t as satisfying as I expected. The photographer was very clinical in directing the poses. And when I got the pictures, they felt TOO staged, and even though it was boudoir, the pictures felt very conventional. I could not connect with the girl in those photos.

So, I tried again with photographer number 2. This photographer’s style was very different from the 1st. She had me move through the poses nonstop, just constant movements. It produced a very different result that definitely felt more genuine and real but even though I liked those pictures more, I still didn’t see ME in them. I thought “oh that’s a nice picture” or “oh she looks good...” Not *I* look good. Still not fully satisfied I was determined to find someone who understood me!


That is when I discovered Diandra on Facebook. From the moment I stepped into her studio, I knew she truly saw and understood me, more so than the first two. She made me feel so comfortable, like we had known each other for years. I was so relaxed that I ventured into new territory and embraced a fully nude shoot for the very first time! I felt emotionally and physically safe in Diandra's presence. Her energy is just something you have to experience. Actually, the very first pose we did was 100% nude & I felt completely safe and comfortable with her, even without a stitch of clothing on. I know crazy right?!

I felt so amazing after my 1st session with diandra that I booked a "stranger session" with her. Yes, I did photos with someone I had never met before. That is how much I trusted her. Even though we’d never met, Diandra staged everything so that it felt like we had actual chemistry. the results really showed in the photos. You would never know that we had just meet 5 minutes earlier.

Another thing that Diandra offers that made me love her even more was her Owlet Toons. She took one of my favorite images and turned it into an empowering toon that I'm proud to wear and show off to the world. Words can’t describe how I felt to see myself as a toon. I am amazed. Oddly enough seeing a representation and not an exact duplication of myself…. I don’t even know how to say it other than impowering!!!! It's also fun when people find out that it is actually me on the shirt.

during my photo reveals with Diandra, I saw myself for the first time. the images revealed the real me, allowing me to accept and appreciate my transformation and finally love myself inside and out. It impowered me in a way I can't put into words. I can't say enough nice things about Diandra and how she has helped me on my journey.

So, I challenge you to do a boudoir shoot with Diandra at least once in your life. It doesn't matter if you're big or small, young or old, short or tall. Boudoir photography is for everyone. You won't regret it! XOXO Owlet Amy 2023

To get more information about doing your own session please fill out the form and Diandra will get back with you.



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